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Dietrich Stephan has joined the scientific advisory board of Mitrionics, which provides parallel processing software and accelerated hybrid computing servers. He is the co-founder and chief science officer of Navigenics. Previously, he was deputy director for discovery research and founding chairman of the neurogenomics division at the Translational Genomics Research Institute.

Bruce Korf has become president of the American College of Medical Genetics, taking over from Joe Leigh Simpson, who recently completed his two-year term. Korf is a professor of medical genetics, chairman of the department of genetics, and director of the Heflin Center for Human Genetics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Previously, he was the medical director of the Harvard-Partners Center for Genetics and Genomics. Korf holds an MD from Cornell University Medical College and a PhD in genetics and cell biology from Rockefeller University.

New officers and directors of the ACMG's board of directors are President Elect Wayne Grody of the UCLA School of Medicine; Director of Laboratory Genetics Gregory Grabowski of Cincinnati Children's Hospital; Director of Clinical Genetics Anthony Gregg of the University of South Carolina School of Medicine; Director ex officio and Continuing Medical Education Officer Mira Irons of the Children's Hospital of Boston; Director of Clinical Genetics John Mulvihill of Oklahoma University Medical Center; and Director of Laboratory Genetics Kathleen Rao of the University of North Carolina.

In addition, three existing board members were elected to new posts. Piero Rinaldo of the Mayo Clinic has become vice president of laboratory genetics; Marc Williams of Intermountain Healthcare has become vice president of clinical genetics; and Daynna Wolff of the Medical University of South Carolina has become treasurer.