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New Products: Mulitplicom's MID and MASTR Kits; Laboratoire Cerba's NIPT; More


Belgian company Multiplicom has launched a CE-IVD labeled MID kit for Illumina's MiSeq system as well as three germline mutation detection kits using the company's MASTR technology for maturity onset diabetes of the young, autosomal dominant hypercholesterolemia, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

The MID kit is designed to be used with Multiplicom's MASTR assays, and each kit contains eight specific p7 MID Primers and six specific p5 MID Primers, enabling 48 possible p7-p5 MID combinations. It can be used for diagnostic purposes when combined with the CE-labeled MASTR Dx and MID Dx kits.

Laboratoire Cerba has launched its noninvasive prenatal test in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and parts of the Middle East and Africa. The test uses technology licensed from Sequenom to screen for fetal trisomies 21, 18, and 13.

Molecular diagnostic company Diagnovus has launched Engauge-cancer DLBCL Gene Panel, a next-gen sequencing-based panel for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. The hotspot panel assesses 17 genes related to diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and has a turnaround time of seven to 10 days.