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New Products: Illumina's TruSight One Panel; Life Tech's Certified Exome Services


Illumina has launched its TruSight One sequencing panel, which targets 4,813 genes with known associated clinical phenotypes. The panel is designed to be used in conjunction with Illumina's VariantStudio analysis and reporting software, which will also include new features that expand annotation capabilities such as support to enable family-based filtering, variant classification, and the ability to generate ready-to-use reports.

Life Technologies has added 11 new members to its Ion AmpliSeq Exome Certified Service ProgramSanford Burnham, SeqWright Genomic Services, Genewiz, Affiliated Genetics, Eureka Genomics, the University of Arizona, the University of British Columbia, Ohio State University, AltheaDx, PrimBio Research Institute, and the University of New Mexico.

In order to be certified, the institutions must be able to sequence to exomes on one run of the Ion Proton in two days, using the AmpliSeq Exome Kit, the Proton, and the Ion Reporter software.