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New Products: Fluidigm's C1 Single-Cell RNA-seq Prep; Life Technologies' Ion Torrent Kits


Fluidigm has launched its mRNA sequencing application for its C1 Single-Cell Auto Prep System to enable automated preparation of 96 cells for single-cell transcriptome sequencing on Illumina systems. The protocol and reagent kits will be commercially available this month. The application includes the C1 Single-Cell Fluidic Circuit Array and C1 Reagent Kit and uses the Clontech Ultra Low RNA kit and the Nextera XT DNA sample-prep kit for library preparation and in-line barcoding.

Life Technologies has launched several products for its Ion Torrent PGM, including a 400 base-pair sequencing kit. It has also released the Ion Total RNA-seq Kit for AB Library Builder, which enables cDNA library construction from both whole transcriptomes and small RNA populations; and the Thermo Scientific MuSeek Library Preparation Kit, which is a transposon-based method for preparing DNA libraries for the PGM. The kit uses the MuA transposase enzyme for fragmentation and tagging of the target DNA, eliminating the need for separate shearing and adapter ligation steps, according to the company.