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New Products: DNAStar's Lasergene; Bioo Scientific's NextFlex qRNA-seq; RefSeq 59


DNAStar has released Lasergene 11, sequence assembly software that is available both in the Amazon Cloud and on desktop computers. Other improvements include the new application MegAlignPro and enhanced copy number variation analysis capability.

Bioo Scientific has released NextFlex qRNA-seq kit, which generates libraries equivalent to conventional RNA-seq libraries, but with the added feature of the company's proprietary molecular indexing technology. Prior to any PCR amplification steps, the DNA fragment ends are ligated to a pair of adaptors chosen at random from a total set of 9,216 molecular indices.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information has released version 59 of RefSeq, available via FTP.

The release includes genomic, transcript, and protein data available, as of April 29, 2013, and includes 39,040,745 records, 31,593,499 proteins, 3,579,371 RNAs, and sequences from 24,656 different organisms.