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New Products: Clontech's SMARTer RNA-seq; BioNano Genomics' IrysChip V2; More


Clontech Laboratories has launched its SMARTer Stranded RNA-seq kit for strand-specific RNA-seq from low-input samples. The kit integrates Illumina library preparation with the SMART cDNA amplification to create indexed libraries in less than four hours, according to the company.

BioNano Genomics has launched IrysChip V2, a high-throughput chip for its Irys system that now supports human genome analysis. The new chip provides a 15-fold increase in throughput over the previous version.

BioDatomics launched BioDT, an open source suite of next-generation sequencing data analysis software and services. It includes access to more than 400 analysis tools, a graphic layout for customized visualization, and genome browsing tools. Additionally, it has full integration with R, Bioconductor, MATLAB, and Galaxy and is compatible with all next-gen sequencing systems.