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New Products: Caris' MI Profile; Life Technologies' Ion AmpliSeq Panels; CHOP's 1:1000 Mito-Plus


Caris Life Sciences has launched MI Profile, a next-generation sequencing-based tumor profiling assay. The assay matches potential therapies to patient-specific biomarker information. Oncologists are provided reports indicating which available therapies are potentially effective, along with those that are potentially less effective, as well as information on appropriate clinical trials for the patient.

Life Technologies' Ion Torrent has released several disease-specific Ion AmpliSeq panels, including one for colon and lung cancer, a BRCA1/2 panel, a TP53 panel, a cystic fibrosis panel, a cardiovascular disease panel and an AML panel.

The panels are for research use only. They are available for review on the company's website and will soon be available to order.

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia has launched its 1:1000 Mito-Plus Whole-Exome test. The test is for children with mitochondrial disease of unknown causes and sequences the protein coding regions of the mitochondrial genome.

The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute has released version 63 of COSMIC, the Catalog of Somatic Mutations in Cancer. The latest release includes the full curation of genes STAT3 and TNFRSF14, together with further FGFR and EWSR1 fusion gene pairs.