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New Products: Agilent's HaloPlex Panels; Life Technologies' Oncomine NGS Power Tools


Agilent has launched a series of HaloPlex next-generation sequencing panels, including HaloPlex Cancer Research Panel and the HaloPlex Cardiomyopathy Research Panel, plus five predesigned research panels for arrhythmia, ICCG genomic regions, X chromosome, Noonan syndrome, and connective tissue disorders. Agilent designed the panels to be used in combination with its SureDesign and SureCall software for data analysis.

Life Technologies has launched Oncomine Next Gen Sequencing Power Tools, an analytics offering for cancer researchers that consists of a suite of software tools to survey novel predicted driver mutations and gene fusions across all cancers and within two dozen specific cancers types, as well as explore simple summary analyses that integrate multiple types of gene and pathway aberrations with clinical data, according to the company.