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New Products: Mar 31, 2009


Fluidigm has launched SlingShot kits for sequencing library quantification. The kits consist of an integrated fluidic circuit chip, library-specific assays for different second-generation sequencing platforms, a sample-loading agent, and an assay-loading agent.

SlingShot, which uses digital PCR to detect amplifiable molecules within a sequencing library, enables researchers to start with as little as one picogram of sample for both library preparation and sequencing, according to Fluidigm. The product also eliminates the need for library titrations, Fluidigm said.

Thermo Fisher Scientific said earlier this month that its PCR and RT-PCR kits are now available with deoxynucleoside triphosphates, or dNTPs.

NuGen Technologies has launched an RNA-amplification system that enables researchers to perform whole-transcriptome gene-expression analysis from a single cell. Based on the company's amplification technology, the WT-Ovation One-Direct RNA Amplification System uses a three-step process to prepare samples directly from cell lysate for analyses that use microarrays or qPCR.