Illumina has launched several products related to its MiSeq platform, including TruSeq Custom Amplicon Kits, Nextera DNA sample prep kits, and its BaseSpace Cloud Environment for storage and analysis.
According to the company, the TruSeq Amplicon kit allows users to enrich up to 384 amplicons per sample and 96 samples per plate simultaneously in less than eight hours, while the Nextera kits will enable sample prep in less than 90 minutes.
BaseSpace, Illumina's cloud computing environment, will offer unlimited storage and computing power, with data management, archive, analysis, and real-time sharing capabilities. The service will be completely free for the next six months. The company did not provide information on pricing after that period.
RainDance Technologies has launched its ThunderStorm system for automated high-throughput targeted sequencing. The system supports a range of sequencing applications including candidate gene screening, genome-wide association study follow up, deep sequencing of heterogeneous tumor samples, medical genetics, and targeted methylation analysis (IS 10/4/2011).
Roche NimbleGen has launched a pre-capture multiplex target enrichment protocol that enables multiple DNA samples to be barcoded and captured in a single SeqCap EZ Library reaction for exome or custom capture sequencing experiments.
Halo Genomics has released the HaloPlex PCR Reagent kit with sample barcodes for Illumina's sequencing platforms. The new kit enables multiplexing of up to 96 samples per sequencing lane.
Eurofins MWG Operon and Integrated Genomics are now offering sequencing and analysis services for microbes, fungi, and algal organisms. Eurofins MWG Operon, based in Ebersberg, Germany, will provide sequencing services, while analysis will be done on Mount Prospect, Ill.-based Integrated Genomics' ERGO sequence analysis platform.
Real Time Genomics has released its RTG Investigator v 2.3 analysis software, which can analyze sequence data from the Complete Genomics, Illumina, Roche 454, and Life Technologies Ion Torrent PGM platforms.