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Molecular Health US Lab Receives CLIA Certification

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Molecular Health today announced its US clinical laboratory has been CLIA-certified.

With the certification, the Woodlands, Texas-based facility will begin offering two tests. One is a targeted gene panel of more than 500 known cancer genes, and the other offers whole-exome sequencing of the tumor genome.

"Now that our certification is complete, we'll soon be able to begin receiving and analyzing samples in order to provide oncologists and pathologists with personalized information on their patients' tumors," Molecular Health Chief Medical Officer Shelly Gunn said in a statement.

Molecular Health announced the opening of its office in The Woodlands in January. The company was originally founded in Basel, Switzerland and its headquarters are now in Germany. The US office and lab occupies about 7,000-square-feet of space. The lab is being equipped with Illumina sequencers.