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Life Tech Uses Diagenode Sonicator for Ion Torrent Shotgun Library Prep


This story was originally published March 7.

Life science research tool company Diagenode said last week that Life Technologies is using its Bioruptor sonicator to help prepare samples for the Ion Torrent PGM sequencer.

According to Belgium-based Diagenode, Life Tech is using the Bioruptor to shear DNA as part of a validated workflow to generate shotgun libraries for the Ion Torrent platform.

Separately, Life Tech said last month that it has partnered with Diagenode, and that the Bioruptor "has been extensively validated to quickly generate unbiased genomic fragments suitable in the creation of DNA libraries for the Ion PGM at an entry cost accessible to any laboratory."

Depending on the model, the Bioruptor has a list price between €10,600 and €17,000 ($14,800 and $23,700), according to Diagenode's website.

"While the Bioruptor sonicator has been recognized in several dozen journals for DNA shearing using multiple next-generation sequencing platforms, the selection as part of the validated workflow for the PGM system represents a major step forward in the recognition of the Bioruptor sonicator as a cost-effective, highly reproducible, and reliable solution," said Diagenode CEO Didier Allaer in a statement.

Diagenode, founded in 2004, has offices in Liège, Brussels, and in Denville, NJ. The company develops and sells instruments and reagents for life science research, in particular epigenetics, and for molecular diagnostics.