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GeneDx to Launch Clinical Exome Sequencing Test in Early 2012


GeneDx is planning an early 2012 launch for XomeDx, a clinical exome sequencing test, the Bio-Reference Laboratories subsidiary said this week.

The test, expected to be available starting in January, is aimed at patients with genetic diseases where more targeted genetic tests were unable to provide a molecular diagnosis.

The Gaithersburg, Md.-based company will run the test in its CLIA-certified laboratory and will apply its clinical expertise, technology, and analysis of family data to identify the genetic defect. It will generate test reports that "will be simple to understand for the clinician, patient, and their family."

The test would join a similar offering from Ambry Genetics, which last week launched its Clinical Diagnostic Exome test for patients with undiagnosed or difficult-to-diagnose genetic disorders (CSN 10/5/2011).