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Four European Organizations Join Life Tech's Ion AmpliSeq Exome CSP Program

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Life Technologies today announced four organizations in Europe have joined the Ion AmpliSeq Exome Certified Service Provider program.

The organizations are La Plate-Forme Séquençage et Génomique (The Sequencing and Genomics Platform) Institut Cochin, Paris; Uppsala Genome Center, Uppsala University, Sweden; CRIBI Genomics Group of the University of Padua, Italy; and Biocant, Technology Transfer Association, Portugal.

The Ion AmpliSeq Exome Certified Service Provider program is part of the Ion Certified Service Provider program. Service providers in the program using the Ion AmpliSeq Exome Kit, the Ion Proton Sequencer, and the Ion Reporter Software, are able to sequence two exomes in one run, going from DNA to results in two days, compared to six to eight weeks with other service providers, Life Tech said.

Additionally, the service requires 50 ng of DNA to perform exome sequencing, compared to as much as 3 micrograms of DNA, otherwise. The CSP program "eliminates the need to batch samples just to make the price of exome sequencing affordable," Life Tech said.

Maneesh Jain, VP of marketing, product, and program management at the company said that as demand for the program increases, it "will soon expand globally."