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Eurofins, Genomatix Team on Next-Gen Sequencing Services

By a GenomeWeb staff reporter

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Eurofins MWG Operon today said that it will collaborate with Genomatix Software to offer combined solutions for comprehensive genome analysis and resequencing project services.

The offering combine's Genomatix's computational biology tools with Eurofins' DNA sequencing services.

Klaus May, chief business officer of Genomatix, said in a statement that the alliance "represents the first one-stop-shop for complete project services, from experimental planning, wet-lab work and data analysis, to data interpretation and deep biological understanding. Together, we offer our customers cutting edge science and technology without the need for them to make major investments in equipment, infrastructure and manpower."

The firms said that the partnership is exclusive and worldwide, but did not provide any further details.