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CollabRx, U. of Chicago Medical Center Collaborate on NGS Data Interpretation

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – CollabRx today announced a collaboration with the thoracic oncology program at the University of Chicago Medical Center for the interpretation of next-generation sequencing data from cancer mutation panels.

The collaboration will combine the results of cancer mutational panels conducted by researchers at the medical center with clinically actionable and "dynamically updated knowledge" from San Francisco-based CollabRx, including the clinical impact of specific mutational profiles and therapeutic strategies such as drugs and clinical trials.

Ravi Salgia, a professor of medicine and vice chair of translational research at the University of Chicago is leading the collaboration. In a statement Salgia said that the university is taking a holistic approach to identify optimal treatments for cancer patients, including the use of drugs and other therapies that target genetic abnormalities in tumors.

Such abnormalities can be identified readily using cancer mutation panels based on next-generation sequencing, and "CollabRx's expert systems add substantial value to these panels by infusing interpretation and insight from recognized thought leaders who have a deep knowledge of the latest scientific and medical research in molecular oncology and, more importantly, understand how to apply this knowledge to inform treatment planning at the point of care," Salgia said.

Financial and other terms of the collaboration were not disclosed.

The deal is the most recent in a string of transactions that CollabRx has forged in the past few months aimed at elucidating next-generation sequencing data. Last month, it announced an agreement with GeneInsight, which followed deals with Sengenics and OncoDNA in April.