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Cincinnati Children's, Claritas Partner on Pediatric Genomics

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Cincinnati Children's Medical Center and Claritas Genomics today announced a partnership to build a network for pediatric hospitals to share data, expertise, best practices, and infrastructure in genetics and genomics.

Cincinnati Children's also is making a financial investment in Claritas, which was launched earlier this year as a partnership between Life Technologies and Boston Children's Hospital. The partners did not disclose the amount of the investment. They said that Claritas' Series A round closed with two additional strategic investors, and the investments "bring the new venture close to a scalable, practical paradigm for advancing genetic and genomic research discoveries and bringing them to appropriate clinical use."

Claritas is focused on developing diagnostic tests for inherited pediatric diseases and currently offers more than 100 specialty tests.

"Given the expertise at pediatric hospitals in genomics specifically, the knowledge required to determine the full clinical impact of a patient's genome, and the ethical approaches to responsibly act on the information, patients will benefit from our pediatric hospitals working together in new ways," Cincinnati Children's Research Foundation Director Arnold Strauss said in a statement.