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Ambry Genetics Adopts RainDance Platform for DNA Enrichment, Sequencing Services


This article, originally published March 17, has been updated with additional information.

Genomic services provider Ambry Genetics has adopted RainDance Technologies' DNA enrichment technology for its DNA analysis services, the companies said last week.

Aliso Viejo, Calif.-based Ambry Genetics, which has a CAP-accredited and CLIA-certified clinical laboratory, is using RainDance's RDT 1000 for micro-droplet PCR-based enrichment of target DNA, "providing an option for customers that are in need of high-throughput targeted sequencing with a high level of coverage, completeness, and speed," Ardy Arianpour, director of business development at Ambry, said in a statement

Ambry said that it may add two new applications of the RainDance platform, for methyl-seq and ultra-deep resequencing, in the second half of the year.

This week, Ambry launched a genetic testing panel for X-linked and other mental retardation, part of which uses RainDance enrichment and Illumina sequencing (see New Products, this issue).