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UPDATE: Unilabs Offering Genomic Health's Oncotype DX Breast Cancer Test in UK

The story has been updated to clarify that the Oncotype DX breast cancer test will be conducted at Genomic Health's laboratory in California.

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Swiss-based diagnostics firm Unilabs said today that it is now offering Genomic Health's Oncotype DX breast cancer test at partner clinics and hospitals.

As part of its agreement with Genomic Health, physicians can send their patients' tissue samples to the Unilabs HIS laboratory. All tests will be sent to Genomic Health's centralized laboratory where the Oncotype DX testing will be done.

The test is available to patients with early-stage, estrogen-positive invasive breast cancer.

"Unilabs takes a pro-active stance with its services, investing time and money to provide 'State of the Art' diagnostic testing with the latest equipment," Glen Dixon, medical director of cytopathology at Unilabs, said in a statement. "As a result, Unilabs is continually evolving and driving forward its standards of quality and care. Oncotype DX is a great example of the high-quality breast diagnostics we strive to provide physicians and patients."

Terms of the agreement with Genomic Health were not disclosed.

"Across Europe, the Oncotype DX test for invasive breast cancer is increasingly becoming incorporated into the clinical care of women with early-stage breast cancer," Andrea Pithers, country strategic manager for Genomic Health in the UK, said, "and we hope that this collaboration will enable more women in the UK to benefit from genomic information provided by this test."