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Scripps Center to Offer Pathway Genomics' Tests

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Scripps Center for Executive Health will offer Pathway Genomics' genetic tests to patients through Scripps Health's network of physicians, clinics, hospitals, and other healthcare organizations.

San Diego-based Pathway said that Scripps would offer its genetics tests for diet, nutrition, and exercise response, as well as tests that point to the risk of developing serious diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and common cancers.

"Genetic testing will play a crucial role in empowering our patients to take preventative steps to maintaining their health and in further staving off the expression of diseases associated with specific genetic markers," James Tuck, manager at Scripps Center for Executive Health, said in a statement.

Pathway conducts the analysis and interpretation of test results at its CLIA genetic testing lab.

Scripps Center for Executive Health is part of Scripps Health, a $2.2 billion non-profit health system based in San Diego.