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RUCDR, BioStorage Technologies Win $7.5M VA Genotyping Contract

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – The BioProcessing Solutions Alliance, a partnership between RUCDR Infinite Biologics at Rutgers University and BioStorage Technologies, has received a five-year contract from the US Department of Veterans Affairs to handle samples, genotyping and analysis, and quality control for the VA's Million Veteran Program.

RUCDR Infinite Biologics said today the partners will receive $7.5 million for the first year of the contract, which they will use to genotype and analyze 100,000 DNA samples from veteran volunteers from around the country. The remaining value of the contract has not yet been determined.

The aim of the Million Veteran Program is to build an extensive database of genetic, military exposure, lifestyle, and health information to better understand how genes affect health and illness and to improve care for veterans.

The partners will use Affymetrix's Axiom Genotyping Solution to develop a custom microarray tailored to the specific genetic and disease-related targets that have been identified by the VA, RUCDR Infinite Biologics said.

The BioProcessing Solutions Alliance launched just over a year ago. RUCDR Infinite Biologics said it is the world's largest university-based biorepository, providing DNA, RNA, and cell lines with clinical data, while BioStorage Technologies provides sample management solutions.