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Personalis, Garvan Institute to Provide Genome Sequencing, Analysis to Researchers, Clinicians

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Personalis and the Garvan Institute of Medical Research said today that they have partnered to provide commercial human whole-genome sequencing, analysis, and interpretation services to researchers and clinicians worldwide.

The partners will use the sequencing platform and expertise from the Garvan Institute, based in Sydney, Australia, and the pipeline, expertise, and infrastructure to analyze, annotate, and interpret the data from Personalis, located in Menlo Park, Calif.

The Garvan's Kinghorn Centre for Clinical Genomics recently purchased the HiSeq X Ten sequencing system from Illumina, allowing it to sequence more than 350 human genomes per week. The institute plans to undertake clinical research projects and ultimately to provide clinical-grade genome sequencing for diagnostic purposes.

"This agreement will accelerate the pace of scientific research and clinical diagnosis by facilitating rapid, comprehensive and accurate whole genome sequencing combined with high-quality analysis and easy-to-interpret reports for large projects involving human data," Personalis CEO John West said in a statement.