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People in the News: Subha Madhavan, Clifford Baron


Personalized Cancer Therapy (Perthera), a company that develops precision cancer drugs, has hired Subha Madhavan, as its chief data officer. Madhavan will head up the planning and organization of Perthera's data analytic framework, standards, and quality control.

Madhavan is director of the Innovation Center for Biomedical Informatics at the Georgetown University Medical Center and leads the biomedical informatics program at the Georgetown-Howard CTSA. She was also principal investigator of the Breast and Colon Cancer Family Registries data center, which collects public health and epidemiology data from twelve sites in the US, Australia, and Canada. She recently partnered with the US Food and Drug Administration on its Center for Excellence in Regulatory Science program, which aims to advance evidence criteria in the areas of pharmacogenomics and vaccine safety.

CollabRx has appointed Clifford Baron as its VP and chief operating officer. Previously Baron was at Accelrys, directing various functions, including biology product marketing, business development, and professional services. He also founded Lexigraphic, a firm consulting biotechnology startups, and was senior director of global solutions at Applied Biosystems.

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