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Nuclea Biotech, Berkshire Medical Center Collaborate on Prostate, Breast Cancer Biomarker Identification

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Nuclea Biotechnologies today announced a research and collaboration agreement with Berkshire Medical Center aimed at prostate cancer and breast cancer biomarker identification.

As part of the deal, Berkshire — the primary affiliate of Berkshire Health Systems — will provide Nuclea with samples of serum and tumor tissue for the identification of biomarkers for cancer diagnostics, with patient consent. Pittsfield, Mass.-based Nuclea develops genetic, protein, and antibody biomarkers and diagnostic assays to help determine which therapeutics may be most appropriate for individual patients.

Last month, it said it raised $4.2 million of a targeted $5 million in a Series D round.

Financial and other terms of the today's deal were not disclosed.