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Millennium Acquires RxAnte to Add Patient Adherence Products to PGx Testing

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Millennium Laboratories said today that it has acquired healthcare predictive analytics and decision support firm RxAnte.

RxAnte, a venture-backed startup, markets products to help health plans, pharmacy-benefit management companies, pharmacy chains, and healthcare providers improve patient adherence to treatments. Millennium, meanwhile, offers pharmacogenetic testing for pain treatment, substance abuse disorders, psychiatric conditions, and various chronic diseases.

In purchasing RxAnte, Millennium will be able to offer its PGx testing services to RxAnte's customer base of more than eight million patients. The firm's products identify patients at risk for non-adherence to their treatments and provide pharmacists and healthcare providers with recommendations on how to manage these patients.

Millennium and RxAnte also plan to work on launching new offerings to help payors and healthcare providers personalize care and lower healthcare costs.

Millennium did not disclose the financial terms of the deal. Aberdare Ventures and West Health Investment Fund are investors in Washington DC-based RxAnte, founded in 2011. Allen & Company was RxAnte's financial advisor in the acquisition.