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Dako to Develop CDx with IQFISH Buffer for Amgen

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Dako today announced a project with Amgen to develop a companion diagnostic test using Dako's IQFISH hybridization buffer.

The buffer was introduced by Dako, an Agilent company, in 2012 and allows pathology laboratories to run DNA-based hybridization assays "with distinct and higher fluorescent signal intensity compared to traditional FISH assays," Dako said, adding IQFISH reduces diagnostic turnaround time to 3.5 hours from 17 hours.

Today's deal builds on existing collaborations between Dako and Amgen. In January 2012, the companies announced an agreement to develop a companion diagnostic test for a drug under development by Amgen for an undisclosed rare but deadly cancer. Shortly afterward, they entered into a deal to develop a companion diagnostic for an Amgen candidate cancer drug.

Financial and other terms of today's agreement were not disclosed.