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CompanionDx, Rx Review Partner to Increase Access to PGx Testing

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – CompanionDx Reference Lab and Rx Review Service are partnering in an effort to increase the use of pharmacogenomics testing under a deal announced today.

Specifically, the firms seek to increase the availability of qualified pharmacogenomic testing to healthcare institutions and doctor practices in order to improve patient therapy. "The partnership provides an opportunity to grow and expand market presence, bringing the benefits of pharmacogenomic testing to the entire healthcare industry," Rx Review Service President Jerry Wanio said in a statement.

Financial and other terms of the deal were not disclosed.

CompanionDx is a high-complexity CLIA-certified laboratory based in Houston. Last month it and Enable Healthcare announced a partnership to provide pharmacogenomic testing to physicians in Enable's network.

Rx Review, based in East Hanover, NJ, serves as a liaison between client physicians, healthcare institutions, and drug manufacturers to replace drug products and medical devices.