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Amgen Partners with Broad, Mass General on IBD Drug Discovery

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Massachusetts General Hospital, the Broad Institute, and Amgen are collaborating to jointly discover and validate new therapeutic targets and develop novel therapies for inflammatory bowel disease, the partners said today.

While scientists have identified more than 150 regions of the genome that place a person at risk for developing IBD, treatments that make use of this knowledge are "urgently needed," the partners said, noting that recently developed IBD drugs are not always effective and can cause significant side effects in some patients.

The MGH-Broad-Amgen collaboration will include collection and analysis of patient DNA samples to identify and validate genetic targets, biological assays to elucidate gene function, and drug discovery and development activities.

The partners will form a joint steering committee to select and guide projects.

Financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed.