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That Paper You've Been Meaning to Write

As many universities have cancelled in-person classes and they and businesses have encouraged people to work from home to help slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Bitesize Bio writes there are a number of tasks researchers could take on if they are unable to work in their labs.

One idea, it says, is to go through data that's been collected and write it up into a paper. Even if there isn't quite enough there for it to be submitted, Bitesize Bio notes that this exercise would underline what needs to be done once the lab is back open. Similarly, it says this time of isolation is an opportunity to conduct a literature review and organize references.

Another idea it has is to practice and polish up any presentations and that this could even be done in front of a virtual audience — which it notes would also keep people in touch with one another. 

Additionally, Bitesize Bio adds that people could use this time to learn a new skill, such as coding, but also to take the time to take care of themselves.