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Sividon Dx Teams With Virchow Laboratories, Ready Ruixin to Offer Breast Cancer Prognostic in China

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Sividon Diagnostics of Cologne, Germany, has teamed up with Virchow Laboratories of Shanghai and its sales partner Ready Ruixin to provide its EndoPredict breast cancer relapse prognostic test in China, the company said today.

Sividon's EndoPredict test, launched in 2011, uses cancer gene expression profiling, based on quantitative RT PCR, in combination with standard prognostic factors to assess relapse risk in breast cancer patients and to help decide on the best treatment.

Last year, Sividon granted Myriad Genetics' international subsidiary exclusive rights to co-market EndoPredict outside the US. According to Sividon, that agreement includes about 90 countries but not the US or China.

In collaboration with several German universities and a research organization in Austria, Sividon has conducted a study demonstrating the accuracy and reliability of the EndoPredict test in a decentralized setting, and the results of that study "have convinced us to bring the test to China," said Wang Jian, CEO of Virchow Laboratories, in a statement.

Initially launched in German-speaking countries, EndoPredict is currently available in pathology departments throughout Europe as well as in Latin America, Australia, and Asian countries, according to Sividon CEO Christoph Petry.

Sividon Diagnostics was founded in 2010 as a management buyout from Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Products.