NEW YORK – Sema4 and artificial intelligence informatics company VieCure announced a collaboration to enable personalized cancer care research and streamline access to genetic testing and clinical trials.
Under the partnership, Sema4 scientists conducting cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention research can access data that patients have agreed to share on the VCurePrecision EMR platform and build predictive models using Sema4's Centrellis health intelligence platform.
Through the VCurePrecision EMR platform, oncologists will also have access to insights that they can use to make care decisions and identify clinical trials for patients. These doctors can use the EMR to order molecular testing for cancer through Sema4, receive results, and organize genetic counseling support for patients.
"Oncologists are embracing the paradigm shift toward data-driven precision medicine, but they face myriad clinical workflow and content-related challenges," VieCure Chief Scientific Officer Fred Ashbury said in a statement. "Our system combines patient data with leading scientific knowledge to generate and manage individualized treatment plans throughout the patient’s diagnosis and care journey."
The AI-enabled VCurePrecision EMR is currently being used by private practice cancer centers and large healthcare providers as a point-of-care platform for accessing information about imaging, molecular testing, and patient-reported outcomes. "By teaming up with VieCure, we are able to partner with oncologists and healthcare systems to offer a full cancer care platform that includes real-time point-of-care precision oncology insights, research support, and clinical trial recruitment," Sema4 COO James Coffin said in a statement.