NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) — Norwegian bioinformatics firm OncoImmunity announced on Monday that it has received €2.2 million ($2.5 million) in funding from the European Innovation Council to further develop its ImmuneProfiler personalized cancer medicine platform.
ImmuneProfiler applies machine learning to next-generation sequencing data to predict the immunogenic neoantigens in individual cancer patients that can serve as therapeutic targets and immunotherapy biomarkers, according to OncoImmunity.
The company said the award — which is being provided through EIC's Small and Medium-sized Enterprises instrument — will be used to tailor ImmuneProfiler for specific vaccine platforms.
"The ImmuneProfiler is already a powerful antigen presentation prediction tool, with demonstrated utility in predicting antigens that are presented and visible to a patient's T cells," OncoImmunity Cofounder and CSO Trevor Clancy said in a statement. "With these funds, OncoImmunity will further advance its generic platform to learn the precise constellation of potential neoantigens that are immunogenic in different vaccine delivery systems."