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Macrogen, National Cancer Center Korea Sign Cancer Dx, Therapy Research Deal

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Macrogen announced today that it has signed a joint research agreement with the National Cancer Center Korea to utilize genome information-based precision medicine to find better diagnostic tools and treatment options for patients with cancer and rare diseases.

Under the terms of the deal, both institutions will develop a cooperative tit-for-tat strategy for their joint research. They ultimately hope to create a clinical basis for the utilization of genomic information, as well as a precedent for the ownership of medical treatment information by individual institutions. They also plan to organize and operate cohorts for the joint research.

Further terms of the arrangement were not disclosed.

Macrogen also signed a similar mutual cooperation deal with Bundang Seoul National University Hospital in May 2015, and made a business agreement for joint research with Korea University Anam Hospital last March.

"I am pleased to be able to cooperate with the National Cancer Center, a leading institution in the field of cancer treatment, for the realization of genome information-based precision medicine," Macrogen Chairman Jeong-seon Seo said in a statement. "I expect that the two institutions will realize personalized medicine as partners for the future development to provide high quality services to patients suffering from cancers or rare disease, thereby contributing to the improvement of our society into a healthy society."