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Indivumed, Oslo University Hospital Partner on AI-Driven Colorectal Cancer Research

NEW YORK – Indivumed and the Oslo University Hospital on Thursday announced that they have entered into an artificial intelligence- and multi-omics- focused partnership to study colorectal cancer prognosis and personalized treatment.

Specifically, researchers at the Oslo University Hosptial's Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics (ICGI) will help Indivumed develop algorithms to automate prognosis methods for colorectal cancer patients as part of Indivumed's digital pathology approach.

With ICGI's algorithms and deep-learning capabilities combined with the tissue samples and clinical information in Indivumed's IndivuType database, the partners hope to identify multi-omic signatures to inform personalized colorectal cancer treatment and prevention. Indivumed and ICGI plan to publish several papers highlighting their joint research, and will consider commercial opportunities, both with the prognostic algorithms they develop and the potential discoveries they make into the molecular drivers of cancer morphology and biology.

"Working with Indivumed and the tremendous amount of high-quality data contained within the IndivuType discovery solution will help us to better understand the underlying biology of colorectal cancer and more accurately identify potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets," Håvard Danielsen, ICGI's director, said in a statement.