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DNAmito, Varian Medical Systems Ink Software Development, OEM Pact

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – DNAmito and Varian Medical Systems have inked a development and OEM agreement to integrate DNAmito's Prodecis into Varian's 360 Oncology care management software.

Prodecis is a clinical-grade multifactor decision support system integrating all currently available patient data to enable personalized cancer treatment. It will enable 360 Oncology to deliver genomics-based evidence to optimize physicians' treatment decisions regarding radiation treatment for cancer, the companies said.

Varian's 360 Oncology uses predictive models based on toxicity, tumor control, quality of life, and cost effectiveness to enable clinicians to make more informed recommendations on optimal individualized treatments for each patient.

"We are excited to be selected by one of the world leaders in radiation oncology for our multifactorial decision support system for cancer treatment," Philippe Lambin, co-inventor and chief scientific advisor for Palo Alto, California-based DNAmito, said in a statement. "We have shown that [Prodecis] is an essential tool for precision medicine … [and] when combined with 360 Oncology can integrate various types of medical data available as well as proprietary gene signatures to support the choice of the best treatment."