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Cofactor Genomics, FLX Bio Partner on Immuno-Oncology Analysis Platform

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Cofactor Genomics announced today that it has partnered with cancer drug developer FLX Bio to create a novel RNA-based immuno-oncology (IO) analysis platform.

According to Cofactor, the platform — called Cofactor Paragon — will be developed using its Sigmund RNA signature analysis technology and RNA assay development expertise, along with FLX Bio's purified immune cells, validation samples, and tumor samples.

The company said that the platform will be designed to gather all necessary data from a single RNA extraction, eliminating the need for flow cytometry, genomic sequencing, and expression profiling. Cofactor added that it is actively recruiting academic and pharma early-access beta users.

Under the terms of the deal, FLX Bio will have access to data generated during Cofactor Paragon's development and a license to use the platform in its drug discovery efforts. Additional terms were not disclosed.

"The decision to integrate multiple IO analyses into a single platform, while challenging, has proved to be exactly what the field needs," Cofactor CEO Jarret Glasscock said in a statement. "Clinical researchers are most excited about the potential to replace flow cytometry, allowing access to characterize more samples, including FFPE archives."

FLX Bio CEO Brian Wong added that the platform "has the potential to give us a quantitative look at this immune environment more efficiently than is possible with other technologies. We expect Paragon to accelerate our efforts to bring new cancer immunotherapies through to the clinic and to patients."