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Brain Cancer Coalition Plans Precision Medicine Study

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Philadelphia Coalition for a Cure (PC4C) announced today that it has partnered with the Children's Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) on a clinical study that will use NantHealth's GPS Cancer test to help treat adult and pediatric brain cancer patients.

PC4C is a newly launched collaboration between Philadelphia-area researchers aimed at studying cancer and sharing disease data with the broader scientific community. Members include investigators from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), CHOC, the University of Pennsylvania, Temple University, Drexel University, Thomas Jefferson University, and Rowan University.

According to the group, the planned study will use GPS Cancer to help inform treatment strategies for patients with brain tumors. Data from consenting patients participating in the study will be made available through Cavatica, a new biomedical data analysis and storage platform developed by CHOP and Seven Bridges.

GPS Cancer integrates quantitative proteomics with whole-genome and transcriptome sequencing data to provide oncologists with a comprehensive molecular profile of a patient's cancer that can be used to inform personalized treatment strategies. NantHealth began marketing the platform in mid-2016.

"Brain tumors can occur at any age, and can be found in anyone," Jay Storm, chief of neurosurgery at CHOP, said in a statement. "With the guidance of the GPS Cancer test, neurosurgeons, oncologists and the many others who are making influential decisions are newly empowered because of the level and depth of information that this product brings."