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BioDuro Acquires Tumor Biobanking, Modeling Firm Molecular Response

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Contract research and development organization BioDuro announced today that it has purchased Molecular Response, a provider of cancer biobanking and tumor modeling services.

According to BioDuro, it has picked up Molecular Response's translational oncology research platform and its biobank of more than 100,000 viable tumor specimens. 

Under the terms of the deal, Molecular Response will become a subsidiary of BioDuro, and Molecular Response CEO Thomas Broudy will become BioDuro's executive vice president of translational sciences and strategy. Additional terms were not disclosed.

"We are committed to growing BioDuro into a complete chemistry and biology provider for our clients," TJ Deng, general manager for BioDuro's Discovery unit, said in a statement. "The Molecular Response acquisition immediately strengthens our capability ... enabling our customers to start with our chemistry services through preclinical and translational oncology studies, all the way to IND."

In 2015, Crown Bioscience acquired Molecular Response's patient-derived xenograft business.