gene patents
Top Five Articles on GenomeWeb Last Week: Illumina's Future Direction; Biocartis Layoffs; More
Last week, GenomeWeb's readers were most interested in what the resignation of CEO Francis deSouza means for the future of Illumina and Grail.
The company, infamous and long derided in the genetic testing community for refusing to share BRCA1/2 variants, has decided to change its stance as part of a "strategic transformation."
Patent Board Rules Broad Institute First With Functioning CRISPR System in Eukaryotic Cells
The ruling is the latest decision in the fight between the Broad and the University of California for control over the bulk of the IP rights to CRISPR-Cas9.
The company's CRISPR-chrom technology fuses chromatin-modulating peptides to CRISPR nucleases, essentially moving chromatin out of the way for more efficient editing.
European Patent Office Upholds UC Berkeley CRISPR Patent
The EPO rejected arguments that were filed in opposition to the patent, which covers the use of CRISPR-Cas9 in cellular and non-cellular settings.