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Waters Partners With Agilent, Chang Gung University

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Waters today announced a partnership with Agilent Technologies, under which the firms will exchange instrument controls, formalizing a partnership to improve productivity for customers who own software and instruments from both firms.

The agreement replaces earlier provisions, under which Agilent implemented control of Waters' instruments in its OpenLab chromatography data system, and Waters implemented control of Agilent liquid chromatography instruments in its Empower software.

The agreement defines terms and conditions on how the partners will exchange documentation and driver software and how to provide developer and technical support to each other. Financial and other terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

Separately, Waters said that it has named Chang Gung University's Healthy Aging Research Center as a partner in the Waters Centers of Innovation (COI) Program.

The Waters COI Program recognizes analytical scientists in health and life science research through the use of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. Researchers from Chang Gung University "have been advocates, technical advisors, and pioneers in the field of metabolomics, metabolite ID, and profiling in Taiwan for many years," Dean Yu, General Manager of Waters Taiwan, said in a statement.