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VolitionRx, SGH Ink Deal for Study on Ovarian Cancer Using NuQ Assays

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – VolitionRx said on Tuesday that it has signed an agreement with Singapore General Hospital to initiate a pilot ovarian cancer study in order to establish the feasibility of the company's NuQ assays to detect the disease. 

The hospital will provide 20 matched blood and tissue samples from ovarian cancer patients and 20 blood samples from healthy donors for analysis by VolitionRx. The collaboration is the Belgian firm's first to specifically look at patients from an Asian ethnic background, it said, and the samples will be the first matched blood and tissue samples to be assessed using the NuQ assays. If the study proves successful, it could establish VolitionRx's technology as an early-stage screening tool. 

VolitionRx will keep intellectual property from the study. 

The NuQ assays are based on VolitionRx's Nucleosomics technology, which identifies and measures nucleosomes in the bloodstream, an indication that cancer is present. 

The firm's CSO Jake Micallef said in a statement that if the pilot is successful and VolitionRx commercializes the test, it intends to set up a center of excellence in Singaporeto provide ovarian cancer screening services for the Asian region.