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UPDATE: Strand's India Laboratory Receives CAP, NABL Accreditations

This article has been corrected to reflect that Strand Life Sciences' original claim that its lab was the first in India to recieve both CAP and NABL accreditations was incorrect. 

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Strand Life Sciences announced today that the Strand Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine — the company's next-generation laboratory based in Bangalore, India — has received accreditation certificates from both the College of American Pathologists (CAP), and the National Accreditation Board for Testing & Calibration Laboratories (NABL).

The Strand Center lab recent accreditation shows the high quality at which it operates, the company said. The CAP laboratory accreditation program is recognized by the US federal government as equal-to or more stringent than the government's own laboratory inspection programs. The accreditation by NABL, the sole government-authorized laboratory accreditation body in India, is in accordance with ISO 15189:2012 standards.

"The accreditation of our India facility by CAP and NABL (ISO 15189) validates our ability to perform high quality clinical NGS testing and perform bioinformatics and clinical interpretation to international quality standards in every facility that we operate," Strand's Global Head of Diagnostics Preveen Ramamoorthy said in a statement.

The lab is now accredited to provide three of the company's most popular tests: the StrandAdvantage 48-gene test, which is used to profile cancer patients for somatic mutations and personalize treatment; the Strand Germline Cancer test, an 86 gene hereditary cancer test that estimates inherited cancer risk; and the Strand Rare Diseases test, which covers more than 500 genes and 400 rare inherited diseases used for confirmation of diagnosis and carrier testing in couples.

Other laboratories with both CAP and NABL accreditaions in India include SRL Diagnostics Laboratories, VIMTA, Pathcare Labs, and Reliance Life Sciences.