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U of Bonn Study to Assess VolitionRx Platform for Lung Cancer Dx

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – VolitionRx today announced that the University of Bonn in Germany will begin a clinical study to assess VolitionRx's Nucleosomics platform for the diagnosis of lung cancer through a non-invasive blood test.

The study will be conducted as a separate trial in conjunction with the firm's larger 4,000-subject prospective study at University Hospital Bonn, evaluating NuQ assays in the 20 most prevalent cancers.

"The use of promising biomarkers such as modifications of nucleosomes – which play an important role in the development and progression of lung cancer – may offer the potential to enhance the accuracy of early cancer detection," said Stefan Holdenrieder, who will lead the study.

Previously, the firm has worked with Oxford University, the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and the University of Copenhagen's Hvidovre Hospital to evaluate the Nucleosomics platform and NuQ assays.

Singapore-based VolitionRx's NuQ tests utilize the firm's proprietary Nucleosomics platform, which identifies and measures circulating nucleosome structures for the presence of epigenetic cancer and signals in blood and in sputum.