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Translational Software, DrFirst Ink PGx E-Prescribing Deal

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Translational Software announced today that it has signed an agreement to incorporate its genetics-based clinical decision support platform into DrFirst's Rcopia medication management software to enable pharmacogenomics-based electronic prescribing.

The platform is designed to provide physicians with genotyping prompts, genomic decision support, and alerts regarding drug efficacy, toxicity, and known interactions within e-prescribing workflows to help guide treatment decisions.

Under the terms of the deal, Rcopia's more than 330 electronic health record and hospital information system vendors and its 62,000 providers will be able to identify patients as candidates for genotyping based on the medication they are being prescribed; order recommended pharmacogenomic tests through Exceltox and Alpha Genomix; review reports identifying potential drug-gene and drug-drug interactions and adverse events, and provide medication alternatives; and access genetic test results to flag interactions for future medications.

The platform is expected to become available in Rcopia in the first quarter of 2017.

Further terms were not disclosed.

"Integrating Translational Software's PGx knowledge base within our e-prescribing platform allows us to deliver an in-workflow, evidence-based approach to medication prescribing that can be used as part of routine care," DrFirst President G. Cameron Deemer said in a statement. "In addition, the [application programming interface] will allow us to cost-effectively scale our efforts and develop a customized, seamless clinician experience for accessing genomic data within Rcopia."

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