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Transgenomic to Share Melbourne Research Data With Ventana Medical Systems

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Transgenomic announced today that it has signed a data sharing agreement with Ventana Medical Systems, allowing Ventana access to results from research conducted under a separate agreement and collaboration between Transgenomic and the University of Melbourne.

Melbourne investigators have been performing clinical validation studies using Transgenomic’s Multiplexed ICE COLD-PCR (MX-ICP) technology. Researchers tested cancer patient DNA samples with both MX-ICP and next-generation sequencing in order to identify and characterize ultra-low frequency mutations that are detectable by the PCR method but not by NGS.

Prompted by that research collaboration, Transgenomic granted the University of Melbourne its own license for ICE COLD-PCR, with exclusive rights to MX-ICP-enabled EGFR liquid biopsy cancer assays in Australia. The partners also agreed to jointly provide biomarker identification services to biopharmaceutical companies.

Transgenomic President and CEO Paul Kinnon said in a statement that the company believes that results of the Melbourne research could "significantly contribute to knowledge about the genetics of patient response to targeted cancer therapies." He added that the firm welcomes Ventana's interest in accessing this data as an "acknowledgement of the high quality and value characterizing this DNA analysis."