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Thomas Jefferson U Hospital, GenomOncology Partner on Cancer Profiling

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – GenomOncology and Thomas Jefferson University Hospital announced last week a partnership to develop a multi-assay cancer profiling system.

GenomOncology will expand its GO Clinical Workbench software to combine analysis and interpretation of karyotyping, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and next-generation sequencing. The firm said in a statement the system would allow both independent and cumulative analysis and reporting of those assays.

A TJU team will begin using the new software platform this fall for testing related to acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and will help guide development of the system.

"For many diseases we deal with at Jefferson, the best results are obtained by applying multiple analytical techniques," Stephen Peiper, chair of the Department of Pathology, Anatomy, and Cell Biology at TJU, said in a statement. "This is especially true for AML, for which karyotype analysis, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and next-generation DNA sequencing provide complementary information. Bringing the results of each of those together in a single interpretation and reporting system simplifies our efforts and provides greater clarity to the oncologists our laboratory serves."

In October 2014, Med Fusion and GenomOncology signed a partnership on cancer profiling.