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Tempus, University of Michigan Collaborate to Treat Breast Cancer

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Tempus and the University of Michigan's Comprehensive Cancer Center have announced a collaboration aimed at identifying the most effective care for breast cancer patients by analyzing molecular data related to in vitro biological models.

"While progress has been made in the battle against breast cancer, there are still too many unknowns that put the lives of those diagnosed at risk," Tempus Cofounder and CEO Eric Lefkofsky said in a statement.

Tempus will use bioinformatics and machine learning to analyze molecular, phenotypic, therapeutic, and outcome data — to the extent that is available — for hundreds of breast cancer patients. The UM Comprehensive Cancer Center will contribute its research expertise with the in vitro biological models, developed in-house. Both organizations will then utilize this data to improve the utility of various patient-derived biological models.

"We are looking forward to working with Tempus, whose technology will help us gain new insight into why certain models are more representative of patients than others, and how we can adopt these models to improve their efficacy," Sofia Merajver, scientific director of the Breast Oncology Program at the University of Michigan, said in the statement.

"We are looking forward to bringing our technology platform to investigators at the University of Michigan who are working tirelessly to find new avenues to bring precision medicine into the clinic, where it can do the most good," Lefkofsky added.