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Tasso, ARUP Laboratories to Combine At-Home Blood Collection, Testing Services for Clinical Research

NEW YORK — Blood collection device maker Tasso and clinical testing laboratory ARUP Laboratories said Monday that they will join forces to offer biomarker testing services for clinical research using samples collected by participants at home.

Initially, ARUP will offer blood tests for rheumatoid factor (RF), high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), and creatinine, as well as high-sensitivity DNA testing, with Tasso providing at-home collection devices and patient support services. Additional assays and applications will be made available starting later this year as validation protocols are completed, the firms added.

Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

"By developing testing that is compatible with Tasso's game-changing remote blood collection solutions, we will further increase participant access to clinical research," ARUP CSO Tracy George said in a statement.

Founded in 2011, Seattle-based Tasso offers a range of blood collection devices and services for decentralized testing. In early 2024, the firm began supplying blood collection devices to the Parkinson's Foundation for a genetic study.

ARUP is a nonprofit national reference laboratory that is part of the University of Utah. It offers over 3,000 tests and test combinations including molecular and genetic assays.