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Streck Inks Distribution Deals for Switzerland, China

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Clinical laboratory supply firm Streck announced yesterday that it has signed two distribution agreement for its products in Switzerland and China.

The first agreement was signed with Swiss medical diagnostic and life sciences products distributor Ruwag Diagnostics and covers Streck's cell stabilization and molecular products. The second agreement was signed with Chinese integrated molecular diagnostics distributor GenomePrecision Technology and covers Streck's cell stabilization, molecular, urinalysis, and flow cytometry products.

Specific terms of the deals were not disclosed.

Streck’s molecular products include the Arm-D kits for detecting antibiotic resistance genes by multiplex real-time PCR and the rapid real-time PCR instrument, the Zulu RT, which is slated for launch soon.

Its cell stabilization products include Cell-Free DNA Preserve, a formaldehyde-free liquid reagent that stabilizes cell-free DNA in urine; Cyto-Chex BCT, a blood collection tube for preserving whole-blood specimens for immunophenotyping by flow cytometry; and Cell-Free DNA BCT CE, a direct-draw blood collection tube, which stabilizes nucleated blood cells, preventing the release of genomic DNA.