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Sequenom Reports Prelim 2015 Earnings Below Analyst Estimates

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Sequenom today reported preliminary 2015 revenue of $128 million, below analyst estimates of $130 million.

The company also said it accessioned 42,000 total commercial diagnostic test samples in the fourth quarter, up from 41,000 in the third quarter. Of the 42,000 tests, 37,300 were noninvasive prenatal test samples. In addition, Sequenom accessioned 3,000 of its MaterniT Genome test in Q4, the assay's first full quarter of sales.

Sequenom further reported it has approximately $76 million in total cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities as of Dec. 31, 2015.

The company will provide its complete results for the Q4 and FY2015 on Mar. 2, 2016, and will provide guidance for 2016 at that time. 

Sequenom recently announced it would cut 20 percent of its workforce and divest a lab in North Carolina as part of an organizational restructuring effort.

The company's shares were up more than 3 percent at $1.39 in mid-afternoon trading on the Nasdaq.